Designed BY insurance claims professionals, 

FOR insurance claims professionals.


Modern Data Management Software (DMS).

ABI & bespoke formatted reports to expedite output 

Daily summary of Time, Expenses, Meetings & Actions

Speed up payment- Edit & issue invoices, with full T & E

Control nominated projects & accounts relative to WIP

Keep key data in view & access all relevant details

Record all business & personal expenses. Cash-flow is vital

Inter-relational management of Companies and Contacts

Track time for all activities billable or not

So much more than a spreadsheet. 






WiP Data

Address Book


*By requesting a demonstration or clicking through to any of our Tutorials, you are agreeing to adhere to the t's&c's of our

'A bespoke data managment system that is easily adaptable for other service industries 

We've probably all seen this scenario before. It looks tidier than it is. But it can be chaotic.

If you also hate not finding that vital file, or losing track of who had it last, speed up the process with a modern approach, designed around your needs.

Recognise this?

Meet Speed and Simplicity.

CAT-WiP is built on the same foundations as WiP-IT, but was designed for offline working, without being compromised by performance. It is intended specifically for claims-handlers, who, simply prefer it or who, due to communication restrictions, are forced to operate offline - e.g. in catastrophe situations 

WiP-IT is our online primary data system that allows secure single- or multiple-user access to Data across various platforms wherever there's a data connection (WIFI or 4G). The system caters for as many as 500 users without modification. Levels of access to all users can be allocated as desired.


Effective data management depends on discipline from all who seek to benefit from the data input. RIRO, LILO and NINO are true abbreviations in this field: 'Rubbish in, Rubbish out' 'Little in, Little out' and 'Nothing in, Nothing out'. 

Enough! Maintain discipline. Don't allow yourself to be overwhelmed by inefficiency. Move to a system that actually supports your business needs and allows you and your staff to work more effectively. 

In no time at all, you can be up and running, enjoying the greater efficency that flows from keeping accurate data.

Don't let data management become a chore


When setting up Philofacts Ltd, we had a simple vision that a true electronic file should be one that contains all the essential information, conventionally derived from the activities of one’s business. It should eliminate the waste caused by maintaining paper files, which can demand extensive storage space for live and dead files for several years. The attraction of having one’s entire business case-load available 24/7 on a laptop or I-Pad has to be a much more appealing system, while cost-saving in terms of real estate. In short, it must make one more efficient to have one’s data available at one’s fingertips.

Philofacts Ltd is a small, start-up company, offering a totally-electronic Data Management System to Insurance Claims handlers, frustrated by the limitations of their existing systems, and many of whom still depend on humble spreadsheets. Our vision is to share what we have developed with other like-minded, conscientious claims-handlers, who crave greater efficiency and freedom from paper files.

If you are an insurance claims handler, we are sure you will benefit from having a comprehensive electronic file that puts you in control and is available at all times, providing the information that is important to you.

Kelsey Cameron
Co-founder and 'voice' of Philofacts, Kelsey has spent years working with complex filing systems and databases at companies such as the BBC, Halcrow and Immediate Media; she also offers Philofacts mentoring sessions .

Trevor Cameron

Co Founder and CEO.

Trevor is a Chartered Loss Adjuster with many years of experience of property, construction and related liability claims for most of the multinational companies. 

Having spent time working closely with Developers to build our own data management system, on completion, we realised it was simply too good not to share - we hope you'll agree!

Philofacts Founders

We are very proud to have been selected by Claris as one of the first nine programmes to be included in their Filemaker Market Place Platform for developed apps. Thank you, Claris!

Hot Off The Press

Manage the companies you work for and keep track of their corporate development.

Search Companies by frequency, number and/or size of assignments, as well as value of fees earned and any notes pertinent thereto


Record daily time entries for all activities against file numbers, or project-tracking and in respect of unchargeable time, such as marketing and entertainment, or administrative activities, holidays etc

Time Recording

Manage your clients and keep track of their movements in the industry

Search Contacts by frequency, number and/or size of assignments, as well as value of fees earned and any notes pertinent thereto


One of the best things about modern data management is that your data is at your fingertips when you need it most.  Never again leave the office without the vital information you need; or the ability to record it.
Our applications are multiplatform-friendly, optimised for iPad and Tablet, accessible via mobile, and adaptable according to your needs.

Accessible on the go.

Mobile Solution

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Ready to get started?

*Subject to location this may have to be conducted via a video-conferencing service, such as Skype or Zoom.

*By requesting a demonstration or clicking through to any of our Tutorials, you are agreeing to adhere to the t's&c's of our

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+44 (0)777 163 2569

Please contact us to request more information, a free trial, or a personal demonstration*. 

Personal inhouse training can be offered at a reasonable daily charge, on a time and expense basis. Customisation can similarly be accommodated.

Contact us

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Philofacts Limited
Epsilon House
West Road




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+44 (0) 7771 632 569

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Confidential Information means all confidential information relating to the Software which the
Seller directly or indirectly discloses, or makes available, to the Customer, before, on or after the Presentation Date including but not limited to all confidential or proprietary information relating to the operations, processes, product information, know-how, technical information, designs, trade secrets or software of the Seller (including the Software) and any other information that is identified as being of a confidential or proprietary nature.

2.1 This agreement applies to all the above-named representatives of the Customer, and any others who unexpectedly attend the Presentation and who are not named above ('Representatives').
2.2 The Customer and the Representatives shall be jointly and severally liable for all the obligations
relating to the Customer under this agreement.
2.3 The Seller may take action against, or release or compromise the liability of, a Representative or the Customer, without affecting the liability of any other Representative (or the Customer if
2.4 In return for the Seller making Confidential Information available to the Customer, the Customer undertakes to the Seller that it shall:
2.4.1 keep the Confidential Information secret and confidential;
2.4.2 not use or exploit the Confidential Information in any way except for considering whether to, or actually entering into, the Seller's Standard Contract Terms & Conditions for the Software ('Seller T&Cs');
2.4.3 not directly or indirectly disclose or make available any Confidential Information in whole or in part to any person, except as expressly permitted by, and in accordance with this agreement;
2.4.4 not copy, reduce to writing or otherwise record the Confidential Information except as strictly necessary for entering into the Seller T&Cs. Any such copies, reductions to writing and records shall be the property of the Seller;
2.4.5 not use, reproduce, disassemble, replicate, transform or store the Confidential Information
in an externally accessible computer or electronic information retrieval system or transmit it in any form or by any means except in accordance with any Seller T&Cs it enters into; and
2.4.6 apply the same security measures and degree of care to the Confidential Information as the Customer applies to its own confidential information, which the Customer warrants as providing adequate protection from unauthorised disclosure, copying or use.
Philofacts Ltd – Confidentiality Agreement 2

3.1 The Customer may disclose the Confidential Information only to those employees or other staff
(including consultants) on a strictly 'need to know basis' prior to entering into Seller T&Cs, or as may be required by any law or any legal or regulatory authority.
3.2 The Customer shall be liable for the actions or omissions of its employees and other staff (including consultants) in relation to the Confidential Information as if they were the actions or omissions of the Customer.

If so requested by the Seller at any time by notice in writing to the Customer, the Customer shall promptly destroy or return to the Seller all physical documents containing, incorporating or based on the Seller's Confidential Information and erase all the Confidential Information which is stored in electronic form on computers, devices, systems and data storage services provided by third parties.
The Seller reserves all rights in its Confidential Information. The disclosure of Confidential Information by the Seller to the Customer does not give the Customer or any other person any licence or other right in respect of any Confidential Information beyond the rights expressly set out in this agreement.

The Customer shall indemnify the Seller against all liabilities, costs, expenses, damages and losses (including but not limited to any direct, indirect or consequential losses, loss of profit, loss of reputation and all interest, penalties and legal costs (calculated on a full indemnity basis) and all other professional costs and expenses) suffered or incurred by the Seller arising out of or in connection with any breach of this agreement by the Customer.

Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies that the Seller may have, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that damages alone would not be an adequate remedy for any breach of the terms of this agreement. Accordingly, the Seller shall be entitled to the remedies of injunctions, specific performance or other equitable relief for any threatened or actual breach of this agreement by the Customer.

8.1 The Customer undertakes that:
8.1.1 it shall not at any time either:
(a) if the Customer does not subsequently enter into the Seller T&Cs, for a period of 24 months commencing on the Presentation Date; or
(b) if the Customer does enter into the Seller T&Cs, commencing from the Presentation Date for the duration of each Seller T&Cs term it enters into and for a period of 24 months thereafter, Philofacts Ltd – Confidentiality Agreement 3 utilise the Confidential Information to directly or indirectly create, design, establish, use for commercial gain or advantage, sell or provide to third parties either:
(c) any software that competes with the Software; or
(d) any business opportunity that directly competes with the business of the Seller;
8.1.2 it has specifically requested the Presentation in line with their email of 31st October 2019, on the understanding that there is an intention to enter into Seller T&Cs, after reviewing the suitability of the Software, namely CAT-WiP and/or WiP-IT;
8.1.3 it shall not record and/or reproduce the Presentation in any medium, electronic or otherwise nor will its content be used for any other purpose than internal review as to its suitability to enter into Seller T&Cs; and 

8.1.4 it shall comply with all the terms of the Seller T&Cs - a copy of which is provided herewith – relating to the protection of the Seller's intellectual rights regardless of whether or not the Customer chooses to enter into the Seller T&Cs after the Presentation Date.

9.1 If the Seller decides not to continue to be involved with the Customer, it shall notify the Customer
in writing immediately.
9.2 Notwithstanding the end of discussions between the parties pursuant to clause 9.1, each party's obligations under this agreement shall continue in full force and effect for a period of two years from the date of this agreement.
9.3 The end of discussions relating to the Confidential Information shall not affect any accrued rights or remedies to which either party is entitled.

10.1 Waiver. No failure or delay by a party to exercise any right or remedy provided under this agreement or by law shall constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. No single or partial exercise of such right or remedy shall prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other
right or remedy.
10.2 Severance
10.2.1 If any provision or part-provision of this agreement is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of this agreement.
10.2.2 If any provision or part-provision of this agreement is deemed deleted under clause 10.2.1, the parties shall negotiate in good faith to agree a replacement provision that, to the greatest extent possible, achieves the intended commercial result of the original provision.
10.3 Third party rights.
10.3.1 Unless it expressly states otherwise, this agreement does not give rise to any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of this agreement. 

Philofacts Ltd – Confidentiality Agreement 4
10.3.2 The rights of the parties to rescind or vary this agreement are not subject to the consent of
any other person.
10.4 Governing law. This agreement and any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.
10.5 Jurisdiction. Each party irrevocably agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall have
exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims)
arising out of or in connection with this agreement or its subject matter or formation.

THIS AGREEMENT has been entered into on the date stated at the beginning of it, and or the
moment of downloading instructional or demonstrated videos.

Demonstration confidentiality agreement

*By requesting a demonstration or clicking through to any of our Tutorials, you are agreeing to adhere to the t's&c's of our confidentiality agreement below: